Street now Archery Way!

April 28, 2014

Shortly after the purchase of our new headquarters in Ashley, we began talks with the Ashley Town Council about changing the street name. We attended a couple of Council Meetings and, not long after, the name change was approved and the street offically became Archery Way! We want to give a huge THANK YOU to Ashley Town Council members: Don Farrington, AshleyTown Council President (below, front row right), Randy McEntarfer, Ashley Town Council Vice President (below, front row left), Mike Hasselman, Ashley Town Council Member (below, second row). Karen McEntarfer, Ashley Town Clerk/Treasurer is not pictured.

The above image is from the Town of Ashley website.

We were pleased to have Randy and Karen present when the sign was changed. Matt Getts of the Evening Star newspaper was there to cover this event. See the article below (John Jackson, company Founder/CEO stands between Randy and Karen McEntarfer):

Above, John Jackson prepares to place the new street sign while KPC Media Evening Star news report Matt Getts looks on. Below, John poses with Randy and Karen McEntarfer.

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