Logo for Living Water of La Pine

About Us

Get settled:

  • At Living Water, you'll notice a casual atmosphere, and people of all ages and walks of life. A few worshipers dress formal, but the majority are more relaxed. Seating is also informal; you may sit wherever you are most comfortable.


  • This time is set aside for communicating with God from our hearts. Our worship team will lead us in upbeat contemporary songs of celebration, as well as traditional hymns. Some members of the congregation will worship with raised hands, some will sing and clap along, and others will worship by quietly reflecting on the words. You're welcome to do whatever makes you feel most comfortable.


  • Each week Living Water's regular attenders make an offering. As a guest, there is no expectation for you to give. This is an act of worship for our regular attenders, allowing them to thank God for all of the great work he is doing in their lives. It also gives Living Water the means to minister to our local community, surrounding area, and through our world outreaches.


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Contact Details

52410 Primrose Lane
La Pine, Oregon 97739
United States

  541 536 1215


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