Field Setup

Field Dimensions
Extreme Archery by Archery Tag® can be played almost anywhere. The field is divided into two 22' x 30‘ Action Zones, with a 18' x 30' Neutral Zone located at center field. The center field Neutral Zone separates the two sides for a total field length of 62' from end line to end line.

Placement of Bunkers
Place 3 official Archery Tag® bunkers on each side of the field. Place a bunker centered behind the Attack Line. Place the 2 remaining bunkers midway between the front bunker and the sideline (Approximately 9' from sideline, and 9' from Attack Line).
Licensees who are offering league play must adhere to official game rules and court size. This is required to be considered for future sanctioned events.
Spectators and those waiting to play should be a safe distance from the field on the sidelines along the Neutral Zone or behind netting.