Logo for Arkansas Tech University

About Us

IT'S NOT ABOUT WHERE YOU COME FROM It's about where you end up. There’s an overachieving spirit here at Arkansas Tech University. We’re never content with the way things are. We’re always striving, reaching, working toward a better tomorrow. Our alumni never settle for less than the best from themselves. Our faculty never settles for less than the best from our students. Our students never settle for less than the best from their university. IT'S NOT ABOUT WHERE YOU COME FROM It's about where you end up. There’s an overachieving spirit here at Arkansas Tech University. We’re never content with the way things are. We’re always striving, reaching, working toward a better tomorrow. Our alumni never settle for less than the best from themselves. Our faculty never settles for less than the best from our students. Our students never settle for less than the best from their university.


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Contact Details

513 west L St
Russelville, Arkansas 72801
United States

  479 356 2010


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