Valley Assembly
About Us
Our MISSION Love First (1 John 4:19) OUR VISION We Love First by Chasing Christ Connecting in Community and Being Consumed by a Cause Our Core Values 1) WE VALUE GOD'S WORD We value the Bible and see it as the source of absolute Truth and life transformation. We seek to communicate this Truth in relevant and innovative ways that will transform lives and generate a Cultural Revolution! In addition to attending a weekly Sunday morning gathering, we encourage each person to participate in a Pursuit Group to develop relationships and grow as a disciple. 2) WE VALUE GOD'S PRESENCE We value the Holy Spirit's power to infuse and empower every aspect of our lives. When we walk in step with the Spirit, empowered by the Spirit, and in submission to the Spirit, we will exhibit the fruit and gifts of the SpirIt. 3) WE VALUE PEOPLE Authentic Relationships: We were not meant to live life in a vacuum, we were meant to live life together. Relationships add value to life and give us an opportunity to serve others and learn from others. Generation Integration: We are a multi-generational church. We value people of all ages and strive to provide opportunities to encourage cross-generational relationships. Intentional Multiplication: We value intentional multiplication of followers of Jesus, and the equipping of those followers for the work of ministry - locally and globally. We share Jesus, give to missions, and plant churches to perpetuate the spread of a Cultural Revolution.
Contact Details
15618 E Broadway Ave
Spokane Valley, Washington 99037
United States
509 924 0466
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